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Tag: weekend

What a Weekend!

Oh man I don’t know how I survived this weekend, that’s how much awesomeness I crammed into it! Actually, I had a really good week. The whole week was rad. There was lots of good food involved, good company, and fun and exciting events.

Like, drunken pool, drunken karaoke (… is there even such a thing as sober karaoke?!), a trip to the zoo, being an extra in a punk movie, and more good food. Yay! And then there was Mike being pwned by an ice cream truck, not once, but THREE TIMES! Bwahahahhaa. It was hilarious. The ice cream truck beat him off the line all three times. I will never let him live that down. And I got to drive a car that actually accelerates, I can’t wait until my truck is fixed. And then I ended it with Pirates of the Caribbean. I suppose I really should sleep since I have to be at work in 6 hours but meh.

I figured a lot out and then turned everything upside down again. Why do I thrive on chaos so? Oh yeah, because it makes life interesting. YAY!! :D


Seattle and Aftermath!

Yeah yeah I was supposed to post Sunday, I know. Real Life got in the way.

So! I went to Seattle for the weekend to hang out with a very old and dear friend of mine, and then to visit with some other cool people I know up there. I headed out Friday night and had the most boring drive up there imaginable, until I hit Seattle. The 5 goes around this curve, and then all of a sudden, BAM! There’s the city. I got in at night so everything was all lit up, and it was a spectacular view to drive in to. I was like “… ooooOOOoooo!!!”

So Friday night we mostly hung around the house because it was late. Played video games, had pizza and beer. Saturday we went to the street fair in the University district, and it was cool. After that we went down to the aquarium which was waaaaaaay fricken rad. There are some cool creatures underwater. THEN we went to meet some friends from a forum who are amazing people, very fun. We had dinner and a few drinks. Good times were had. Good conversation. Etc etc etc. I took lots of pictures.

So Sunday I slept way later then I meant to so I was a little rushed that day. I had a nutella banana crepe for breakfast which was awesome. Then I went with Miles to the Sci-Fi museum.. OH. MY. GOD. I am a much bigger geek than I thought because I had a blast. I mean, I thought I was a nerd at the aquarium… anyway. They didn’t let me take pictures at the sci-fi museum which was uncool.

So yeah. Then I came home and got dumped. That wasn’t quite how I had wanted to end my weekend. So I was pretty sad on Sunday. Then Monday I was kind of mad. Then Tuesday I was rather apathetic. Last night I was sad again, until I kind of realized a few things I should have realized before. I don’t think jumping right into a relationship right after moving 1000 miles was necessarily a good idea. So I’m okay. Me and Tom are talking still. I think he’s a good friend to keep around. I’m just a little sad about the situation because it was really just a little bit stupid.


Whoever Invented 3 Day Weekends ROCKS!

Yay! I love three day weekends. Actually, I love all weekends, but I love 3 day ones better. Because they are longer. Duh :D

Sooo Friday was awesome. I went and hung out right after work with a couple of my friend’s from highschool, which is always nice. I lost Emo Hat but I think Karo said he has it so I will have to get it tomorrow.

After that, I went over to Jeremy’s house so that we could go DRUNKEN BOWLING!! It was Kevan’s birthday so a bajillion people went to this bowling alley to celebrate. I bowled better than my average and I couldn’t even walk straight. It was awesome, until I realized Jeremy beat me by ONE PIN. ONE!!! What is that nonsense?!?!?! Rawr. But the second game, I was getting strike after strike and I totally stomped, so there.

Saturday I woke up with like, the hangover from hell. Jeremy and I went and had the nastiest Panda Express on earth… the orange chicken was soggy and tasted like vinegar. It made me queasy, and the egg rolls weren’t really any good either. How can Panda Express not be good??!! I was not happy. So then I had to go to Taco Bell and get tacos and then I felt better. Then Friend Tom dragged me up a mountain and I felt better. We got robbed by the zoo, they didn’t let us in to see the monkeys. Also, my foot started bleeding and wouldn’t stop for like, 2 days. Nice.

Yesterday I drove up to Fontana to meet my new roommate. He is now staying here at my house. I got to meet his family and they all seem pretty cool. We leave in like, 10 days. EXCITING! Also, we had dinner and watched Ghost Rider which was a pretty wicked movie. Good times.

I spent a whole awful lot of time distracting Jeremy from drawing, oops. I kept trying to make him do it! I swear! “Jeremy! Go draw!” “I will in a couple minutes!!” “Uh huh.” I’m kind of going to miss him :(


This Is Titleless, Oh My!

At some point, I am quite sure I will eventually catch up on my sleep.  Just not anytime soon!

Busy busy weekend. Friday night The Sonia and I went on a misadventure and it was fun. First off, I couldn’t drive my truck normally for a few miles ‘cause the mechanic readjusted my clutch (apparently it was riding high, so I had to get used to it all over again because it was engaging in a different place).. so that was fun. THEN OMG WE GOT STUCK ON A BIG HILL LOOKING FOR PARKING o_O It was scurry. I was going up the hill,  but not fast enough so suddenly I was not moving. GAH. So Sonia starts hyperventilating and I’m like “GAAAAH OMG WHAT DO I DOOOOO?!?!?!?!” so I remembered that somebody said “lot’s of gas” so I gave it lots of gas and my tire squealed but I didn’t roll backwards :D I hope to never stop on a hill again haha.

So we finally found parking but the sign said we had to be out by 11. So we sprinted to the bar, and Carlton from Fresh Prince was there haha. Anyway me and Sonia grabbed a drink, drank it fast, talked about random things like we love to do and sprinted back to the truck at 10:56. YAY! So then we went to Hilary’s house and hung out there for a few hours and it was fun.

Then Saturday morning I took Vinz to Puppy Graduation and he was all sorts of excited for some reason. I mean, he’s always hyper… but this was extreme even by his standards. Weirdo. Anyway, after that I went to lunch with Jeff while he has his car washed. Then it started raining. Poor Jeff.

So then I was stuck in traffic on the 101 because I am an idiot and didn’t know that even though I was going south, I needed the 101 north to get to the 405. So eventually when I wound up in downtown LA and still hadn’t hit the freeway I figured out I went the wrong way. But at that point it was easier to take the other freeway and just chalk it up to going the long way to Culver City. I’m a special brand of stupid Once I hit the 110 I knew exactly where I was going, because that’s how I used to get to Santa Monica from Glendale. La la la.

Me and Jeremy played Wii for a while and I made a total dork of myself playing golf “Katie! We’re playing golf, not baseball!” Well whatever, I made it in the hole eventually :blush: Actually, I played Wii for a long time. I started playing Zelda and like, an hour later I was like “…. oh man I’ve been playing this longer than I thought”. It was horridly fun and now I kind of want one. I made a Mii and it’s totally awesome.

Then we went to a party in a shady part of town and left after not too long because one of Jeremy’s friends was afraid he was going to die. That was the end of that *shrug* More Wii was played and it was funny watching people play bowling.

Sunday I went to go see my aunt from my dad’s side of the family. I hadn’t seen anybody in years… it was nice. I get my “no sense of direction whatsoever” from my dad’s side, along with the phrase “holy hell that’s obnoxious… I LOVE IT!” haha

Then (omg could this weekend possibly have been any more packed with things to do!?) I went to pick up Jeff, and we played video games, then went and had a very yummy sushi dinner (I love California rolls) and did laundry and watched half a movie before I was so exhausted I don’t even remember dragging my butt to bed.

And now I am at work, and my coworker is back from London and he brought me a totally rad fishie purse and an England Beanie and a key chain. I’ve been here an hour and a half and have yet to start actually working.


Recuperating, la la la

Boy. What a weekend. When I came in to work today somebody was saying they wished it was Friday and I thought “… no way. I need this week to finish recovering!” Wheeeeeee.

Friday night me and Jeff went out really late cause he had to work. We went to The Sapphire (why do these types of places never have websites? srsly) cause that’s where my buddy from work works on the weekends. He got me a free drink, yay! It was a cute place. A little bit loud for normal conversation, but that is probably the point hehe. Afterward we talked with Ricky for a while, then went to have food cause I was le hungry. I love IHOP! :D

Then we had to get up early Saturday to take Vinz to training class. We just kind of had a review. Apparently my dog is training himself cause I haven’t worked with him at home as often as I should (I know, bad Katie :X) but he’s learning everything anyway. Cool. Now if only I could get him to mellow out a little lot.

Then after training I went with Hilary and Paula and Amber and we met some other dolly people at the Volk’s store which is a totally bad idea haha. I was good though and hardly spent any money at all unlike *ahem* some people ahahaha :D Google got us lost on the way there by telling us to get off the freeway on an exit that doesn’t even exist, wtf? Anyway, after Volk’s we all went to Mimi’s Cafe, which I totally do not recommend to anybody. The lemonade, and the brown bready-cakey thing that they brought out was good, but the food was sooooooo gross. Hilary actually sent hers back, that’s how bad it was, and I just kind of suffered through my caesar salad, because honestly, if you can’t make a decent caesar salad there is just no hope for any of your other food. Also, my blueberry muffin was insanely unimpressive.

So yes. After that we raced back to Hilary’s house so that Paula would not be too horribly late to babysitting and then me and Amber hung out there for awhile. Then I went home and I changed my clothes and did my makeup and stuck my emo-hat on my head because my hair was being uncooperative, and I totally forgot to take pictures for the day, oops.

Anyway then I stole Jeff’s car and drove a really really REALLY long way down Burbank Blvd (I honestly thought the 405 was a lot closer to my house than it is) and rolled in neutral down the freeway for awhile.. it’s great, the 405 is at enough of a downward angle that if you hit the gas until you hit 70, you can roll for MILES. Then I hit traffic and actually had to drive the rest of the way to Culver City. Went to my friends house, we went out with a bunch of his friends.. I had 1 AMF too many, bleh. Was in no condition to really walk, let alone drive my butt home so I had to crash there.

Got up in the morning, walked to the car… the tire I told Jeff needed to be replaced weeks ago is totally wasted. Flat as can be. No hopes of fixing it. Jeremy tried to change it but apparently the car takes a special key to get the tire off and I didn’t have it. So AAA came and informed me that I wasn’t going to be able to drive that far on a donut anyway. They offered to take me someplace that could get the tire off and sell me a new one and I was like “Pffft. I’m not saving Jeff the trouble of getting a new tire. Tow it home please, he can deal with it.” I was annoyed because EVERY TIME I tell Jeff he needs to do something and he doesn’t do it, it’s ME that has to deal with the fallout. My AAA covers me for 3 tows up to 100 miles so I took advantage of that. The tow truck left the car half a block up from the house and I have no idea what Jeff is going to do about it.

So that was a life experience, I’d never been towed before. I probably would have rather kept it that way but oh well. I went home and took a nap and played lots of video games, and now I am recovering. That is all.