2: As I mentioned previously, when I was a kid I was scared to death of dragonflies.
Today at the dog park… I discovered that I still don’t like them.
Comments closed2: As I mentioned previously, when I was a kid I was scared to death of dragonflies.
Today at the dog park… I discovered that I still don’t like them.
Comments closedIf everybody jumped off a cliff, I probably wouldn’t follow, but if everybody is doing an interesting meme, then I’m likely to do it too.
I’m sure you all know how this one works, but here’s the gist: 1 fact about me, 100 days (more or less). I don’t promise any of these facts will be interesting, but they will be there!
1: Speaking of cliffs, I fell off a very small cliff and a boat on the same day once, into the same lake. Ok, well, more like I was tackled off of the small cliff, and the boat was sharply maneuvered to make me fall. Even I am not *that* clumsy :P
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