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Tag: 100 Facts

100 Facts in 100 Days – Fact 011 & 012

11: My musical taste is very fickle. I adamantly dislike many things until they become familiar, then I’m like, OMG LOVE

<333 haha.

12: I’ve met my future Pretentious Art Snob self. It freaked me out. I was an art exibit with a friend and I was looking around to see if I could spot the artist.. there was a lady there who looked scarily like me. Her hair was in the perfect little black bob that my hair was *supposed* to be and she had the weirdest/coolest dress on ever and red lipstick. I swear, if in 10 years I turn into a real artist, I’ll be her.


100 Facts in 100 Days – Fact 010

10: I tend to fall victim to routine at restaraunts. The majority of the time, I will order the same thing, just because I *know* I like it. I’m picky enough about what I eat to know that if I order something new, there’s a good chance I won’t like it. Which is why I enjoy going with lots of people.. then I can take a bite of their food, with no risk to me not eating if I don’t like it.


100 Facts in 100 Days – Fact 009

9: I used to get really bad headaches, all the time. Not quite migraine status thank goodness, or I’d never have been able to funtion, but still pretty painful headaches. Now I don’t get them quite as often, but when I do, they last me a couple of days.

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