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Category: Meme

The Great Delurk, 2010!

Apparently today is Delurking Day!

I know I haven’t been blogging much lately, and I’ve got plans to change that, but surely some people still stop by. If you do, let me know! I’m more inclined to blog if I think somebody is listening. Otherwise, I might as well go talk to myself hehe. Besides, my greatest internet friends have been found through blog comments, and you could be next!


A Picture Meme Thing

I was bored and found this on someone’s site and it looked fun.

Here are the rules:
– Go to Flickr.
– Type your answer into the “search” box.
– Pick an image from the first page.
– Copy and paste answer into blog.

My Name Is:

My relationship status is:

My favorite color is:

My celebrity crush is:

My favorite Disney Princess is:

My favorite adult beverage is:

My dream vacation is:

When I grow up I want to be:


Friday’s Feast

AppetizerWhat is your middle name? Would you change any of your names if you could? If so, what would you like to be called?
My middle name is Annette. I think I will keep my names, its not a bad name.

SoupIf you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colors, and styles would you probably use the most?
I’d probably use a lot of black lace… in a kind of goth but not really goth kind of style.

SaladWhat is your least favorite chore, and why?
I really hate doing the dishes. I just.. ick. I don’t like touching them.

Main CourseWhat is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
I’m pretty scared of being upstairs in a 2 story house by myself. I blame my cousin for it, and also because I saw a really freaky unexplainable shadow moving towards me once.

DessertWhere are you sitting right now? Name 3 things you can see at this moment.
I’m sitting at my desk and I can see the washer/dryer, my phone, and the puppy.


Friday’s Feast – 129 – Week 19

Appetizer: What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
The guys rolled up one pant leg. It was the stupidest looking thing I have EVER seen.

Soup: Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
Uuuhhhmmm. I can’t really think of anything. I guess most people probably just assume I’m a nice, normal person. There’s nothing really weird about me that you’d notice that quick.

Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
6.5…. maybe. Sometimes.

Main Course: If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
My stupid broken car. I only want $500, I’m sure somebody can fix it!

Dessert: Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to go to the beach and play in the ocean when it is hot and sunny.

Friday’s Feast Participants

1. Miranda
2. Raggedy
3. tiggerprr
4. Jules
5. amy
6. local girl

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Friday’s Feast – 128 – Week 18

Appetizer: If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn?
I learned pretty much all the instruments I ever really wanted to play (clarinet, flute, alto sax, alto clarinet, piano, violin.. was gonna play oboe but that didn’t work out) except one: cello. That was the original instrument I wanted but when I first started playing music, the cello was bigger than me One day, maybe.

Soup: Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?
I do this ALL THE TIME. It’s really embarrassing.

Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?
8.5 or 9. I never tell on purpose but sometimes things slip :nervous:

Main Course: What’s the closest you’ve ever been to a dangerous animal?
Uhm, well if you had seen me panic, you’d have thought the moose that was chewing on my tent mere inches from my head was trying to kill me.

Dessert: When was the last time you lost your patience?
On a regular basis at work. These people drive me bonkers!