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Category: I Hate Life

Oh Vista, How I Hate Thee

So, I recently bought a new computer, and like the goober that I am, I didn’t notice that I had the option of having XP installed on it. So, I got a computer with Windows Vista. Now, let me say, Vista is very pretty. Very.


My webcam is not compatible with it. Firefox crashes if I have too many tabs open. iTunes won’t run on it (it worked for about an hour, and crashed, and I haven’t been able to get it open since then). If I turn off User Access Control (which is the most ANNOYING thing on fricken earth, it asks if it’s ok to run something every single time I open a program that it doesn’t like), my software for syncing my cell phone doesn’t work. You have to reboot to turn that feature on and off by the way. It’s insanely slow. My music skips every time I open a full sized photo from my camera. And so on and so forth

I am, to say the least, annoyed.


No More Haircuts, Ever.

I'm sideways!
Once again, haircut = bad. The bangs need about a third of an inch to be decent and my hair needs at least 4 inches before I’m happy. I’ve gotten mixed reviews. The ladies at work liked it. Daniel wasn’t sure about the bangs. Mike likes it. Tom’s reaction was, “oh god damn it, you cut your hair!” (not to say he doesn’t like it like this, but he *really* liked it before). Yeah, I know. It’s just hair, it grows back. I’m just going to chalk it up to being “The Summer ‘Do” and swear off cutting my hair for the rest of the year and it will be fabulous again in time for New Years or something.


DMV is going DOWN.

So, as I previously mentioned, I had this fix-it ticket for not telling the CA DMV that I had moved. Ok, easy to fix, right? Yeah. I did the online change of address thing, and then I even got an Oregon drivers license. Easy-peasy. Except now, nobody wants to sign off my ticket. Uhm… yeah. The traffic officer at the police station wouldn’t do it, the Oregon DMV wouldn’t do it (ok so that one made me mad, cause the lady I talked to at the court said that the OR DMV would sign off on it when I got my license. grrrr!)… so Portland is a good 400 miles away from the court I’m supposed to show up at.

So at this point my options appear to be:
1) Take an unpaid day off work, drive to the court for my court date and be like “Yo, I took care of it” and drive back.
2) Send in a check for $150 for my ticket since it hasn’t been signed off.

Option 2 would be cheaper. But ya know, I really don’t want to pay the ticket because I did everything everybody said I was supposed to do.

DMV, CHP, Yreka County… you guys are going DOWN. *grumble*

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A Hundred and Twenty One Dollars Later

I went to the DMV yesterday and got Oregon license plates. It cost me $121, lord. Did I even have that much money in the bank? I hope so. Anyway. So I get my plates and stickers and come home and get the back California plate off with my Swiss Army knife and put the new Oregon one on, yay. Then I go around to the front of the truck, and it has a really weird bolt thing that I don’t have the tool to get off, and trying to do it by hand was futile.

So my truck has one Oregon plate, and one California plate. I’m a ticket just waiting to happen.