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Year: 2010

English (US) to English (UK) Translation Failure

Or: “Open mouth, insert foot”. This is probably only funny if you Speak British™, and I’m not explaining it if you don’t get it, cause then it’s not funny!

On Saturday, I was wandering around Oxford with my coworker Simon, who was semi-showing me around (every other thing he said was “Oh, I didn’t know that was there!”). I was commenting on how much better my photos would be if I didn’t have to take them from below. This is the resulting conversation:

Me: “Hmm. It would be awesome if I could levitate!”
Simon: “Yes, that would work quite well.”
Me: *looks down at skirt* “Though, I suppose if I could levitate, I’d have to wear pants more often.”
Simon: “….. o_O”

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Off to England!

As those of you who follow me on Twitter or are my friend on Facebook know, I am on my way to England for a couple weeks! I’m currently sitting in MSP (the Minneapolis/Saint Paul airport in Minnesota) eating a sandwich and having a beer while I kill lots of time before my flight to Heathrow. I am super excited! I’ll be staying in Oxford for a couple weeks, and hopefully seeing lots of other really cool places. Have I mentioned lately that I have the most awesomest job pretty much ever??

My flight here was pretty uneventful, but I’m not looking forward to the super long flight to get to England. I brought my GameBoy, two knitting projects, my iPod, my laptop, and some sleep deprivation. Hopefully between all those things I will keep myself entertained.

I’ll try to update often with what I’ve been up to in England, but if not, I’ll write a good post when I get back home. I’m so excited, wheeeeeee!

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I’m a little bit crafty at times, and lately, I’ve been making more stuff. Most of it is for me, and I’ve always wanted to share more of it, but I don’t feel like Kat Scratch Fever is the place for it. So, I made a craft blog, where I can post all I want about crafts! Sounds good to me. If you’re interested in following along with my crafting adventures, check out the katili*made blog!

To go along with that, there’s also the more profit-driven portion, also known as the Etsy Shop. And, because I’m a total goober, there’s also the official katili*made Twitter account, Facebook page, and Flickr gallery. Follow any/all of those at will.

I figure there might be the occasional Hobby topic on here, just to keep those of you that don’t follow in the loop, but not often.

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Third Time’s The Charm

I learned a lot in the time that I had Vinz,and in the time I had Xoie, about raising puppies, qualities I should look for in a dog, my own shortcomings, and so on and so forth. I learned about not letting the “dogs are for life” people and their mentality get to me when I realize that sometimes, you’re doing a dog a dis-service by keeping it, because some dogs need different things than what I can give them, no matter now much I wish I could. Vinz flat out needed a yard and some kids to chase. I didn’t have a yard, or the energy to run around for hours on end (or the time). Xoie needed way more devotion and attention than I had to spare, and somebody that she respected (which was totally not me). So, I did what needed to be done. I found them the right home. Didn’t take the easy way out and leave them at a shelter – I gave them what they needed, and I feel I did the right thing for everyone involved.

Which, however, left me without a furry friend, which is a very sad position to be in.

But I learned a few things from it all for my next attempt. First, I evidently can’t raise a puppy. I am horrible at housebreaking, and horrible at making sure that the puppy knows what’s okay to chew on and what’s not. Second, small dogs are brats. Like, really. They’re cute, but they’re brats, and they don’t listen very well. So I went a different route this time.

I’ve adopted a golden retriever/chow chow mix.  He’s about 8 months old, so past the initial puppy stage, but still a young dog. I adopted him from a shelter, instead of a breeder. I didn’t realize how awesome shelter dogs can be! This dog (his name is Toby and he’s AWESOME) seems to be the perfect match for Pod and I. He’s remarkably well behaved, he’s well socialized, we haven’t had any accidents in the house so he appears to be housebroken already, and he knows Sit and Shake. Oh, and he’s adorable.


He’s still adjusting to home life, though. He hasn’t really eaten a whole lot yet, and he follows us where-ever we go or whines if he’s left alone in another room. Today he’s been wandering to the kitchen alone though, so I think he’ll get past that soon.

It also doesn’t seem like he ever learned how to play with toys. He’s pretty disinterested in his rope toy, his plushie toy, the tennis ball.. like he just doesn’t know what to do with them. He also doesn’t seem very amused by treats, though he’s just discovered how great rawhide bones with little meaty-bits in them are. And Greenies.. honestly, I think all dogs love Greenies. But we’re working on the playing.. last night, I heard a Squeak in the other room, which means he at least put the sun plushie in his mouth. Progress! But he seems content to just lay by my feet and have his ears scratched. I loves him. I think I found the right dog for me this time.


Tea Time

I think my coworkers are rubbing off on me. I seem to be becoming British by osmosis or something… I drink tea instead of coffee lately! *giggle*

No but really, I love tea. There’s a tea for every occasion. Having a hard time waking up in the morning? Earl Grey or other black teas to the rescue (and, on a hot day, they make fantastic iced tea). Craving something sweet before bed but don’t want to actually eat something? Herbal teas are perfect for this, as are most white teas if you’re not as mega-caffeine sensitive as I am (white tea has a little caffeine in it, but herbal does not).

Not a fan of black tea or flowery? Between oolong (good for the metabolism), green (boosts your immune system, soothes the tummy, and helps lower cholesterol), red/rooibos (also caffeine-free, high in antioxidants, aids digestion) and maté (has a stimulant similar to caffeine without the jitters), you’re sure to find something you like.

I think I’ve graduated from tea bags. Until my wallet yells at me, in which case I might have a regression. Seriously though, loose leaf tea is where it’s at! I have my little tea kettle (I love the whistling sound it makes!), and a nifty thing to brew my tea in, and I think I have an actual teapot around here somewhere, but I’m moving, so Lord knows where it actually is right now.

I remember when I was a kid, my nanny grew all kinds of herbs in her yard, and when I was sick, she’d go pick various leaves and make me tea from them.. she had it down to a science! I miss her mint tea. That’s what started it for me.

Lately I’ve been drinking a blend that I just got from Teavana. It’s a blend of White Ayurvedic Chai (flavors include cinnamon, cloves, black and red pepper, coconut and lemongrass) and Samurai Chai Maté. It is delicious! I brew it with a little bit of german rock cane sugar, to lightly sweeten it. It is mmm-mm good! I’ve replaced my daily cup of coffee with it. The tea tastes better, doesn’t give me a headache later in the day, and smells nicer.

I went a little overboard and bought so much of that blend that I ran out of money for different teas, oops! But, my boyfriend brought up a good point – I can probably find delicious, high quality teas without paying “mall prices” like I do at Teavana.. mall retail space is expensive and the price of my tea reflects that. So I am turning to my blogosphere!

Tell me, dear readers, where is a good place for awesome loose leaf teas? What are your favorite tea flavors? If you don’t drink tea… I’m curious, why not?