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Year: 2009

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

I very much wish I could spend the day with my mom and grandmother, but they are 1000 miles away :( I’ll be down there in July though, so I’ll get to see them soon!

I sent my mom a custom card that I made on Scrapblog and some super cute purple dangly earrings that I forgot to take a picture of, and she loved them. I sent my grandma flowers, even though it felt like cheating, but she loved them

What all did you guys do for Mother’s Day?

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Still Cleaning Up

Yep, so like I said in the closing paragraph of Spring Time!, moving servers is a HUGE headache. I have a laundry list of things that don’t work at all, work sometimes, will work after I completely restructure things, are stuck somewhere in the DNS world, etc etc etc.

Right now I’m working on why removing index.php from my URL’s works on some browsers and not others, and trying to figure out why the hell it was working for a day and then stopped working when I wasn’t even touching the sites at all.

Subdomains don’t work as easily as they used to, my email has to be outsourced, I don’t have a cpanel and nothing is where I expect it to be. It’s driving me up the wall.

I’m looking forward to everything being done, I can’t even tell you how close I am to ripping out all my hair. Just a status update. I’m going out of town this weekend and really hoping my websites don’t self destruct.

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I Said Everything

I would argue that the perfect banana split has so many toppings that you don’t get any ice cream in the first bite. The problem I have with banana splits is, OMG who the hell needs 3 scoops of ice cream, a banana, and a mountain of toppings?! That’s just way too much sugar for one person. Enter Jeff, who was always there to share my banana split with me to keep me from killing myself of diabetic shock. Jeff either agrees with me on the topping thing or didn’t feel like arguing.

Turns out most people don’t agree with my topping theory.

So we turned it into a social experiment. We called it The How People at Baskin Robbins React When Told “I want a banana split with everything on it” Project.

Turns out that 34/35 will proceed to list off the 4billion toppings and wait for us to nod at of them.

25 of those 34 will ask at the end “Everything then? Why didn’t you just say so?”, which results in a *facepalm* from me and Jeff.

15 of the same 34 will raise an eyebrow when handing over the concoction

The 1/35 that doesn’t ask will then proceed to only put chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and a cherry on the banana split.

All 35 times, we ended the conversation with “Banana Split with everything, thx”.

On a similar note, I was just at a Baskin Robbins the other day and asked for a single scoop sundae with half a banana and “everything on it”… and dude was part of the 34 of 35 that lists off all 4billion toppings and waits for me to nod at of them. However, he was not one of the 25 that asks why I didn’t say so in the first place. He did raise an eyebrow though. Alas, I didn’t have my Jeffreybean there to share it with though, which is why I downsized from banana split to single scoop sundae. It was still way too much sugar.

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Spring Time!

Shoes and Tights

Can I just say that Spring time makes me ridiculously happy? Cause it does! Portland is still rainy sometimes but we had a few days of clear skys and warm weather and the weather guy says it’s supposed to be nice like that again in a few days. I’m really looking forward to nice weather. Rain is nice and all but I miss the sunshine. I wish I could get a tan up here!

But yea, spring! Believe it or not I actually love bright colors. All the flowers and trees (and yes my allergies will start acting up and then I’ll hate Spring, but that hasn’t happened yet!) and cute clothes! I need to set my sewing machine up somewhere so I can make a ton of skirts and buy a bunch of footless tights and more flats. I found some really cute patterns that I think I can manage (sewing in a straight line isn’t as easy as it sounds ) Spring also makes me kind of crafty. I need to go buy supplies!

In other news, things on all my sites and most sites in the KSF Bloglomerate may be a little wonky for the next week or so; we’re moving servers and that is going to be a huge headache and things *will* go wrong, so don’t be surprised.

That is all!


Goodbye, Hello

Today is my last day working technical support for Photoshop and Premiere Pro (and the butt-ton of sub-products that go with them). It’s been an interesting year, that’s for sure.

Usually when I leave a job, it’s a little more bittersweet than this. There are certainly people I’m going to miss here…  Scott, Wesley, Dan, Brandi, Lara, Chris, Larry, Jason and so on and so forth.. but that’s all I’ll miss. Just my peeps. There’s a lot of things about working here that were really getting to me. Like.. have you even been somewhere where you keep wondering “WHY do I keep coming back?!” It was kind of like that. There are more places than this that I feel like that about, but we’ll skip that for now haha. I won’t get into it more though; that’s not the type of dirty laundry I like to air out on my blog. I love and will miss my coworkers though. They brought me cake! Everybody looks sad to see me go.

I am very excited for my new job though! I will be doing email and occasional phone support for Freeway, as well as various other tasks. It is an excellent opportunity and I am looking forward for Monday, when I get to start my new job.