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Month: May 2008

Die In A Fire Award 1

a;sldkfjgh I hate people.

Totally just had a guy call, realize I was a girl, and hang up the phone.

I think this is gonna be a new award. People that need to just Die In A Fire. Haha


Everything Is A Little Buggy

Man. I don’t know what’s going on, but everything has been jussst a little bit odd this past week. My world has a bug! OH NOES!!! I’m a little bit delirious today and I’m not sure why.

Anyhow. KSF To-Go is not working right at the moment. So if anybody has visited in the past 2 weeks and noticed any anomolies with it, that’s why. The nice folks over at ExpressionEngine are trying to help me get it fixed though, so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

What else… I have terrible allergies and stuff this week. That’s no fun. I had to go home early yesterday cause I couldn’t shake the benedryll I had taken the night before to be able to breathe… luckily I had bonus time so it all worked out for me.

There were some other things buggy I was gonna talk about but my brain seems to be buggy too and now I don’t remember.

Really…… I just want to take a nap.

How’s everybody else?

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I Dyed Mah Hurr, woo!

Ahhh, I feel so much better now. After over a year, I finally got to dye my hair something FUN. Some of you may recall last year how bummed I was that I had to dye it a solid, normal color for my job when I was moving… well, now I have a new job, and I can do whatever I want with my hair (I could get more piercings too if I felt so inclined [read: if I had more money haha]) so… I dyed it. I FINALLY GOT THAT SHADE OF PINK. You know the one.. the one I tried oh so many times to get. I’m excited.

Without further adieu: I present you with! Bad photos of my new hair. I may put new ones on my Flickr soonish, keep an eye out.

Before (boring!!):

Boring Hair

After (yay!!):


Yaaaaaay hair!

In other news… uhm…. ok actually I forgot what else I wanted to post about. Oh well.


Painting is… uhm… fun?

So today I painted 2 of the walls in my room… Now that I am done (well, except for the places where I need to put a second layer of white on the molding because I got blue paint on them) I think it’s great. But while the sun was beating on me and in my face while I was trying to unstick my feet from the plastic and my arm hurt and half of my body was blue… yeah it was fun lol I made a mess of myself and my clothes but the walls are a solid color and there is no paint on the carpet.


I got “bird’s egg blue” paint (oddly enough, the type of paint was eggshell.. hmmm! it’s the halfway between flat and satin I guess) and the other walls are… cream. With white molding. It all matches my bed! I have the Hedda Band bedspread from IKEA and so the blue is the same as the lightest blue on the bed… sort of. Close match anyway. And so my bed has dark blue sheets and bedskirt and decorative pillow, and I have a cream chair (also from IKEA, I can’t seem to find it on the website though) and a little red dot rug (Ringum, also from IKEA.. like I shop anywhere else!!), cause well, there’s red dots on the bedspread! I think now that the wall with the window has color, I can just get white curtains and not worry about it being boring. My neighbor can see me right now.

So now I need to figure out where to put all this stuff that’s on my bed, cause I’d kind of like to sleep tonight.