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L.A. Tap Water “Nation’s Tastiest”

BERKELEY SPRINGS, W.Va. —  Their air might bring pollution complaints, but residents of Los Angeles drink the nation’s tastiest tap water, according to the judges of an international competition.

More than 120 water sources competed in the 18th annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting, held Saturday.

A panel of 10 journalists and food critics sampled sparkling, tap and bottled water from 19 states and other countries, including New Zealand, Romania, Macedonia and the Philippines.

The title of best municipal water was shared by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which serves Los Angeles, and the town of Clearbrook, British Columbia.

Los Angeles won a gold medal in 1998 and has been in the top five in four other competitions since then, according to the competition organizers.

“It means they give special care and attention to their water and how it is processed,” said event producer Jill Klein Rone.


Am I reading this right? Los Angeles has the best tap water in the nation? Are these people crazy?! Take it from me… I spent 21 years in L.A. and the tap water is NOT tasty. In any way, shape, or form. It tastes metallic. Bottled water companies made a killing on me and my family.

The tap water here in Portland is significantly better. I don’t buy bottled water anymore because the tap water here is actually drinkable. Those tasters…. have no taste. Durp. What other places have good tap water?


  1. sir jorge
    sir jorge Feb 25, 2008

    maybe only in bel air…is that still l.a? i think so.

  2. Dutchboy
    Dutchboy Feb 26, 2008

    Second that man. I’ve traveled extensively in the US, and no tasty tapwater is found within 500 miles from any coast. The big cities are definitely the worst! Maybe they have the tastiest chlorine.

  3. Colin Brooks
    Colin Brooks Feb 26, 2008

    Some times I say the same thing about wine. Those tasters…. have no taste. But then again I have no idea what good wine tastes like so I might be wrong in my judgement…

  4. Katili
    Katili Feb 26, 2008

    I suppose they might have a point if “tastiest” means “has the most flavor”, as long as they’re not meaning “good taste”.

  5. Colin B.
    Colin B. Feb 26, 2008

    What if you use a filter? Would that help at all? I bet it would if you put coffee in the filter. :p

  6. Judi
    Judi Feb 28, 2008

    I pass on tap water everywhere.  I prefer distilled water (I am going to have my dad set up a distiller in my basement one of these days).. I won’t even drink some bottled waters because I don’t like the taste.  I will, however, use our tap water (Dayton, Ohio area) to make coffee, tea, kool aid, etc.. even ice cubes (but I prefer those bought bagged because we go through SO much of it).. I just can’t drink it plain.

    We went to a restaurant, not upscale, but not a hole-in-the-wall either, and their water was nasty.. ick… I just drank iced tea instead.

  7. bill
    bill Mar 21, 2008

    LA water is pretty good, but NYC water has always tasted better to me. Maybe it’s the particular blend of minerals.

  8. jess
    jess Mar 21, 2008

    LA has the worst water I have ever tasted in my life!! The first time I drank I almost died because it tasted like I was drinking water from a fish tank.
    This comes from someone who grew up in a small western town with untreated natural water.

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