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Year: 2007

This Post Brought to You by One Hour of Sleep, Tequila, and also Spaghetti

The nice thing aboot being 21 is that I can get away with this still. Good times were had by all!!  :up:

After work I went home and took Vinz for a jog, and spoke to the car people next door. They are going to look at Betty and see if they want to buy her, which would be awesome. The were not thrilled at the fact that it is a 93 tempo (those apparently have bad engines) but maybe the sad look and “I’m moving 1000 miles away, even a few hundred bucks would help” line will convince them to take it. Anyway then I did a load of laundry and took a shower. That was the boring part of the night.

So I hopped in the truck and zoomed down the 101 and the 405 because at 8 pm there is no traffic. I promised Kevan I would make him spaghetti so I went over there and made spaghetti! Called Jeremy when I got off the freeway to come down and go to the store with me, but I actually found a parking spot pretty much right in front of the apartment instead of half a mile away. It was amazing! So I took it and said “Never mind we’re going in Kev’s car because I am NOT giving up this spot!!”

Go inside, grab the boys, I got to drive Kevan’s car cause he had too much wine. Best story ever! So we’re driving along and I look at the speedometer and it says I’m going 80 and I’m like, “NO WAY!!!! WTF?!?! KEV! How often do you get pulled over for speeding in this thing, cause it doesn’t feel like I’m going all that fast!!” And he looks over and goes “… uh, Katie.. that’s kilometers per hour.” “……………. damn Canadians!” bwahaha. So I was going like, 40mph. It didn’t dawn on me that the Canadian guy would have a car from Canada, and that it’s speedometer would have kilometers in big numbers. I felt like an idiot, it was funny.

Anyway we went to the store and got the essentials: spaghetti making materials and booze. Yay! I made the spaghetti and it was good and now Kev and Jeremy will love me forever cause I fed them something that didn’t come out of the freezer. Go me! Played drunken Wii and stuff, and it was awesome.

I got home at like, 6 in the morning. Went to sleep. Got up at 7:20 and came to work. I am quite useless today. YAY FUN!!!


Superbowl XLI

Let’s set one thing straight before I even start this post – Superbowl Sunday is not about football, it’s about FOOD!!!

Blah blah blah, Colt’s won, whatever.

I had the most AMAZING food. YAY! I had like, 5 types of chili beans and they were all totally awesome but only 1 reigned supreme, winning 7 out of 14 votes, impressive! :D It was tasty. Then there was the 7 layer dip, and the bbq chicken, and the brie bread, and don’t even get me started on the desserts..

I seriously think I consumed 3 times my body weight in like, 4 hours.



Le Sigh, I am Le Bored.

Why is the internet so boring today? There’s hardly anybody online, hardly anybody has updated today… what gives? Yoshi says perhaps everybody is actually working. I say, why on earth would they be doing that?! Haha

2007 was on slight break because my camera battery was dead and I couldn’t find the charger but it is working now. I didn’t get a chance to post last night, but when I get home yesterday’s and today’s pictures will be up. Yay!

I have like, no plans this weekend. I plan to be bored and lonely haha. It might be a nice break from how jam-packed the last two weekends have been… or it might be boring and lonely! We shall see.

That it all. Why isn’t it 5 yet?


Friday’s Feast – 129 – Week 19

Appetizer: What was one of the fashion fads when you were a teenager?
The guys rolled up one pant leg. It was the stupidest looking thing I have EVER seen.

Soup: Name one thing you think people assume about you when they first meet you.
Uuuhhhmmm. I can’t really think of anything. I guess most people probably just assume I’m a nice, normal person. There’s nothing really weird about me that you’d notice that quick.

Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how hard do you work?
6.5…. maybe. Sometimes.

Main Course: If you were given a free 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl to sell anything you currently own, what would you advertise?
My stupid broken car. I only want $500, I’m sure somebody can fix it!

Dessert: Fill in the blank: I love to ________ when it is _________.
I love to go to the beach and play in the ocean when it is hot and sunny.

Friday’s Feast Participants

1. Miranda
2. Raggedy
3. tiggerprr
4. Jules
5. amy
6. local girl

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An Announcement

For those of you who are behind on the times, or just don’t have little birds that keep them up to date on the Happenings of Katie That Have Yet to be Blogged About™, I have an announcement.

Next month, I am moving from Los Angeles to Portland.

edited to add: it’s a good thing.