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Month: November 2007

Sim City Societies

So, I installed Sim City Societies today. Here are my initial thoughts.

One: It’s nice that getting power to my city isn’t so god damn annoying. My biggest turnoff about the older versions is I had to actually pay attention to where I was putting water pipes and power lines. Not my thing. I just want to generate power and assume it knows where it’s going. bam! Place some windmills, produce power, go start building.

Two: … you know, I didn’t really get much further than that because the game crashes every five-ten minutes. Seriously. I didn’t even get to finish the tutorial. Lame to the MAX. The patch says it fixed the random crash bug. Yeah, it lied. Screw you patch!

Three: From what I could tell, it looks like it’d be fun.

I know a lot of people are complaining about how it’s fundamentally different from the traditional Sim City games, but since I was never overly fond of the other ones, I think that’s probably going to prove to be a good thing, for me at least. I just wish i could actually play it.


System Maintenance

I was a little bit behind on the times, and a version behind EE. Oops. My poor little blog has been neglected. But no more! I plan to fix this, mmmmhmm! So yesterday I installed the latest version of ExpressionEngine, and boy did Vista give me crap for trying to do so. SmartFTP decided to stop working, which sucks. Dreamweaver wouldn’t connect to my server, which also sucks. I wound up having to download CuteFTP which is cool, but I’ll be sad in 30 days when my trial runs out. Then my internet kept dropping. It wasn’t my day haha.

Anyhow! That is all taken care of now. Last night, I found a killer free (open source) template that I love (yes, I’m getting lazy with my web design, shush!) and I hooked up my XP box and modified the images and CSS to better suit my site. So over the next couple days I just need to write up the EE code and make all my pages.

Anticipate a new layout by the end of the week

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I Almost Got Rear Ended Yesterday

I went to go test drive the 2008 Toyota Yaris hatchback today. That car is fricken sweet. The gas mileage on the manual isn’t as sweet as I had hoped it would be but it is still better than what the truck gets. My saleslady was hilarious, I liked her.

So I need to re-evaluate my budget, find out if financing it or getting a personal loan is going to be cheaper, and see if buying a new car is even financially feasible. I also need to find out how much insuring it will cost. Then I have to see if I can actually bring myself to part with my darling little truck. I love Truck.

…….. but it is a really sweet little car.


Shiggity Shiggity Shwa!

Hello world.

My twitter feed thing in the sidebar seems to be broken. Lame. I update my twitter far more than my blog these days.

So what’s new in the Land of Katie? Well, I got my tattoo colored. My piercings are acting up due to trauma (I just can’t leave my ears alone it seems). I got a new bedset. Meh. Nothing exciting I guess. Or it’s just been too long since I blogged for me to drum up the energy to update everything. Let’s go with that one.

I miss my internet friends. FRIENDS! WHERE ARE YOU!?!