So, I recently bought a new computer, and like the goober that I am, I didn’t notice that I had the option of having XP installed on it. So, I got a computer with Windows Vista. Now, let me say, Vista is very pretty. Very.
My webcam is not compatible with it. Firefox crashes if I have too many tabs open. iTunes won’t run on it (it worked for about an hour, and crashed, and I haven’t been able to get it open since then). If I turn off User Access Control (which is the most ANNOYING thing on fricken earth, it asks if it’s ok to run something every single time I open a program that it doesn’t like), my software for syncing my cell phone doesn’t work. You have to reboot to turn that feature on and off by the way. It’s insanely slow. My music skips every time I open a full sized photo from my camera. And so on and so forth
I am, to say the least, annoyed.
Just goes to show new is not better.
Microsoft in general sucks. I’d switch to Linux if I knew there was an accessible alternative for everything Windows.
Oh, and I second Yoshi. I’ve heard many bad things about Vista.
Damn. yeah, in jan when we got me a new laptop I traded with hubby so his laptop is the one with Vista. I had noooo desire to work with it. Bummer. i’m sure you can get it all worked out ;)
I’ve heard User Access Control is a huge pain in the arse. I work for ISP tech support and it causes a heap of issues!
I hope the software you need starts making Vista compatible options!
My university is offering copies of Vista for at-home use for only $10. It’s so tempting from a bargain standpoint, but I keep hearing awful things about Vista.
That being said, I did take advantage of their $10 copy of Office 2007. So, so nice… :)
Note to self: don’t get Vista on new laptop… check!
i’m still running xp…i love how when you’re out of college all the places you get to work at are 2 to 4 years behind…my workstations run windows me
good thing I use my laptop for work more often than not.