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Month: May 2007

Look Out, Here Comes the Spiderman!!!!


So I went to the midnight showing of Spiderman 3. I LOVE SPIDERMAN!! (pronounced: spih-der-men)

Anyway. It was totally awesome. The Sandman was cool! I liked the part when he was first getting up. Ok and can I just say I love Topher Grace? He’s such a dork haha And uhmmmmmm, I still don’t like Kirsten Dunst as a redhead. And poor Harry. Ok so I don’t want to accidentally give any spoilers in my half-asleep state, and I have to be at work in 5 hours so I should probably make it a full-sleep state soon.

In a nutshell: Spiderman 3 was a little cheesy but still TOTALLY AWESOME.

The end.