Sha la la la la. Lot’s to blog about, and practically NO attention span to do it. I feel like a sea monkey on crack this week.
Yesterday I was out way too late. Ooops. I had meant to be home like, 2 hours earlier. It was one of Tom’s friend’s birthday, so we were over at his house but we didn’t even get there until almost 11. So I got home at like, 2 in the morning then had to be at work at 7:30 this morning. It was awesome.
Today was Admin Appreciation Day so my boss bought me lunch, and I was excited to finally eat something that wasn’t a 99 cent hamburger for lunch. I swear I’ve been living off of 1 whopper jr a day for the past week and a half. But my federal tax refund finally came and I will buy a real meal, then make a payment on my credit card. Yup. Stupid responsibility. Anyway, then we had our First Quarter Oregon Banquet thingy with work. We went bowling in Vancouver (yey! I can add another state to my list of states I’ve been to!).. it was pretty sweet because we got upgraded to the best private room they have, and we got to keep it all night instead of for half an hour. Anyway we had awards and pizza and beer and then bowled and I won a paid day off from work in a raffle. I had 3 tickets in there for my 3 strikes and then I won. YAY DAY OFF! So I’m going to take a Tuesday off because that’s one of Tom’s days off. And we will go find something fun and exciting to do.
I found a spider in my hair and now my whole head itches. I need a shower. Aaaaand that’s a wrap.
Spider in your hair? Yipes! Now my head is itching.
Yeah I was all icked out :(