Sadly, I think my List of Things I Want is longer than my List of People Who Love Me. Ah well.
- 2 gb (or more hehe) Compact Flash card for my new camera. 128meg isn’t going to fly with this baby.
- Filters/lenses/camera bag for said camera.
- webcam for the techno-geek in me.
- a new bedframe because mine is about to collapse. I wouldn’t mind a springy-thing either. I don’t have one, just a buddy board.
- A tokidoki bag. I blame Sonia for that one. I want either Ciao Ciao, Bella, or Bambino in Citta Rosa. I was looking at the fall collection. I REALLY want Dolce or Bambino in Inferno. Portatelefono is probably the right size for my cellphone too… However, I know that nobody loves me $100-purse worth lmao.
- A Bluetooth headset.
- Playstation 2 and Katamri Damacy.
- Random little accessories and clothing items.
- Pink creepers.
- Jeans that actually fit me.
- Gift cards and cash donations towards keeping me fed and my phone bill paid.
etc etc etc.
Awwwwe….those tokidoki bags are so cute. I hope my daughter doesn’t click the links and see these! :devil:
I’m sure that you have lots of people that lub you enough to fill those requests several times over. ;)
Pink creepers?
I always get mad at myself that I don’t use my camera more often. I swear when I look back on the last ten years or so of my life, I’ll have next to no visual representation. Isn’t that sad?:(
Tiggerprr, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you ;)
Ooooh Mr Fab you lost Fabulous Points for not knowing what creepers are :p
Janet, I have pretty much no representation of most ot my early life, I’m making up for it now.
I love Katamari Damacy!!
OK So I talked to Yoshi about the Katamari Damacy thing…it’s a ball of yarn? He says it’s addictive…I am missing something? Help me understand! :) :evil:
Hahaha nooo not yarn! It’s a.. cosmo sticky star ball lol. It’s fun :p
Oh I see…sticky star balls make MUCH more sense than a ball of yarn. ::backs away from the keyboard::. I’d say “those kooky Japanese, what will they think of next?”…but…I am said kooky Japanese, halfway.
I came here to beg for a vote. I have entered OC into a contest and We need your Support! :) See the details on my blog at *I’d make a link, but I don’t know how to do it in a “comment”. :) :curious:
Mmm creepers. I want white ones. And I have one of those bags! Anna bought me one for my birthday.