OMG I am so behind on organizing my Christmas things. Thanks to the always, well, fabulous Mr. Fab for making his post and reminding me that I need to get my act together and make my post here and on a message board.
SO. Uhm, I have Christmas cards for people. If you want one, email me with your address.
lifelessmind [@] gmail [dot] com
I’m just starting to get excited about Christmas myself. We bought a bunch of new ornaments the other day at Target, and I’m going to load up my iPod with Christmas music before too long.
I’m such a geek for the holidays. :)
I’m feeling kind of Grinchy. Hubby and I will be alone for Christmas, his kids aren’t coming, and my daughter is going to go spend it with her Dad this year. Meh.
Aw, maybe a card will make you feel better :)
Awww you’re so sweet! :love:
I’ll send you my address…