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Month: October 2006

Why I Might Not Re-Sign My Contract

OMG I AM SO ANNOYED (yes, just one nnoyed.)

So I’d been trying for ages to have my auto-payment turned off. I filled out little papers and sent them in multiple times. Yeah, I could have called but it wasn’t a HUGE deal at the time. So this month, it STILL wasn’t turned off, and t-mobile over-drafted my account because they took the money out before I had a chance to pay them with Jeff’s credit card.

So I called and complained, naturally. I was told that they couldn’t just cancel the charge (… I have a very very VERY hard time believing that) and that I should call the bank. However they said that they would pay my overdraft fees if the bank couldn’t help. That was Sunday night.

So Tuesday morning I call the bank first thing (because they were closed Monday, even though I had to work, double-yew tee eff? silly bank) and first they made me wait until yesterday to talk to me because it was still a pending charge. THEN yesterday they said that they could technically let me file an unauthorized charge report, but that I should try to work with t-mobile again because my report would get snagged a million times because I really AM doing business with t-mobile and it would take forever.

So I called t-mobile back yesterday and was again told that they can’t just refund my money and let me put it on a different card but to call again as soon as my overdraft charges hit my account. I of course am less than thrilled that my account is over-drafting because then the bank thinks I suck, but what can I do, right?

Looking over my account last night, I realized that if I can convince my mom to transfer $15 into my account (because the account transfers clear really fast) then with the money in savings, my account wouldn’t overdraft at all with my overdraft-protection. Not over-drafting is obviously the best course of action. Cool right?

Well, this morning I get up and I have a balance of -$90. NEGATIVE NINETY. Welcome to another WTF?!?! moment. Turns out that overdraft protection only applies if you have $50.01 or more in savings. Guess how much I had in there. $48.97 (.. yeah I know I’m broke, shut up). I was like, “ARE YOU FRICKEN KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!??!” If I had known that I would have moved the damn $48 manually of course. But I figured it was an automatic thing no matter what as long as it left me with at least 1 cent in savings (cause they legally can’t overdraft a savings account). I was wrong.

So all my pending things went through and I had $57 in fees already applied and I still have another fee coming out tomorrow.

……. lovely. The bank offers to cancel 2 of the 3 overdraft fees that are already posted, which was cool. I love my bank ♥

So then I call t-mobile.

After leaving me on hold for like, 15 minutes, THE GUY TELLS ME THAT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO PAY MY FEES. At this point, I’m seriously about ready to, in the words of Daniel, “cut a bitch”. Or go on a murderous rampage. So I take a very deep breath so that I don’t scream at the guy (which I would have loved to do, but I’m at work and people around me were on the phone) and go, “… this is unacceptable. It is not MY fault you guys cannot get your shit together and cancel my auto-debit the first two times I request it. I was told by 3 different people that my fees would be covered because this was YOUR error. If my fees are NOT covered, I can guarantee that next month, I will not be re-signing my contract, and I will also be telling every single person that I know about how poorly I am being treated after being a good customer for so long. Can I please speak to a supervisor?”

So I got put on hold for another 10 minutes, then the guy comes back and says, “Ok I spoke to the supervisor you had spoken to the first time and he said that even though it’s completely against policy, we are going to credit you the $57 to your account.”

*sunshine and butterflies* “Thank you so much Adam!” *puke*

So at the end of the day, they are covering my fees, but GOD it was a pain in the neck. And I still have a negative balance on my bank account because they “can’t give me a refund to my bank account”.

I don’t think I’m signing again. I haven’t decided yet.


25 Peeps

Ok so I submitted my site back when it was the cool thing to do and just now made it to the front page.


Go to 25peeps and click my photo.

Click my picture here. Then click the same one there.


edit: well that was fast lol, I didn’t even last 24 hours :|


Weekend Recap!

It was a good weekend. Not quite as cool as last weekend (because really, you can’t beat front row seats to a killer concert and having your mom buy all your drinks) but still good!

Friday night me and Sonia were on the guestlist at The Red Buddha thanks to one of the guys at work. It was a cute place but drinks were expensive and there were no cute guys so then we left and went to La Poubelle where we sat around and had more drinks and talked about uninteresting-boys and the such. Then we called a bunch of people and giggled like maniacs. Theeeen we went to Denny’s (YAY KATIE AND SONIA GO TO DENNY’S!!!11) and almost fell asleep on the table. It was cool. I love Sonia :love:

The Saturday morning me and Jeff watched The Bourne Identity for the millionth time (I love that movie) and ate blueberry french toast sticks aaaand then I went to a party at my uncle’s house (his baby’s baptism) and I swear he had to have had a good 150 people there. I don’t even think I *know* 150 people, let alone 150 people that would come to my parties. Anyway, one of my aunt-in-laws family members brought the best pork on earth but nobody would tell me where you can get a whole pig like that. I ate my own body weight, philipino people sure know how to cook I had to ask what everything was though before I ate it.. I passed on the quail eggs.

Also, St Paulie Girl has to be the only beer on earth that’s tolerable without putting anything in it. Actually, Red Stripe is ok too I guess. So we hung out with family and my uncle’s air traffic controller friends, they were all really cool. I kept losing track of which husband belonged to which wife and who’s kid was whose though haha. They were all really cool people.

Anyway I got home way later than I planned (I expected to leave early cause my grandma gets tired, but she was watching the Dodger game). I think when I got home me and Jeff watched a couple episodes of House (ok I watched one then fell asleep with my head in his lap during the second one).

Yesterday I slept until 1pm and then we did some cleaning, then ate a whole pizza and watched more House and had mango malibu with sprite.

That is all.


Friday’s Feast – 114 – Week 9

Join me in Friday’s Feast!

Appetizer: Name a song you know by heart.
Oh gosh, there’s a lot! I know pretty much every Thrice song by heart.. and all of the Atreyu ones.. etc etc etc. Right now I am listening to Shinedown – Save Me, which.. I also know

Soup: What will you absolutely not do in front of another person?
Mmmmm. I can’t think of anything right now! I’m sure there’s something but my brain isn’t working.

Salad: How often do you use mouthwash and what kind do you like?
I don’t like mouthwash, it makes my mouth burn!

Main Course: Finish this sentence: I am embarrassed when…
I am embarrassed when I fall in the middle of the street in front of a good looking guy. Especially if he laughs instead of helping me up

Dessert: What was the last food you craved?
Albondigas soup. Mmmmmmmm. It needs to rain so my grandma will make some!



Results for CSIS260 Midterm Fall
Student Name: Katie Wagner
Student ID: ********
Score: 48 / 50 (96%)


I hope I missed the question that had 2 answers that mean the EXACT SAME THING so that I can argue about that and get 98% :D

Edit: Ok, 1 of the ones I missed, I really missed, and the other one was a question that had the wrong answer coded. So I got a 98% (and yes, I got the highest score in the class!) Also, I’m obnoxious and took the in class part and, (in the words of Rob) tied it down, listened to it scream, beat it, cut it’s head off, and handed it in to the teacher. In other words, I annalihated it. :D

PS: the new coffee machine is already busted.