No, I don’t mean that my head exploded. Geez. I mean that I have about a gazillion things to say and no real organization to how I want to say it. So now, you get Randumbness.
One: I’m getting a new cell phone. Mmmm hmm. I called T-Mobile (you remember Katie Vs T-Mobile I’m sure) and told them about losing my car insurance. I was very straight forward and said, “Look. My contract with you is up in a month. This is the first time I’ve ever had a problem with you guys.. it just happens to be a large one. Now, I have to go through the process of finding a new insurance company, I’d really rather not have to find a new cell phone provider as well. So here’s the deal: you make this right somehow, and I’ll stay.” So they transfered me to ADVANCED customer care, and the guy there offered to get me a killer deal on a phone. So I went to look at some, then called them again.. I am getting a Blackberry Pearl for super cheap. This phone is SO SWEET dude. I’m happy. Yes, they cost me a huge amount of chaos with one mistake, but they did a damn good job making it up to me. I also decided that me and this phone were destined to be together. Why? Well, look at the colors the skins for it come in. Do they look familiar? HELL YES IT’S MY BLOGS COLOR SCHEME!! Fate baby, fate.
Two: I got suckered into going camping this weekend. I’m really not into that whole nature thing. Bleh.
Three: I wrote up a why register? page that you all should read, then you should see the error of your non-registered way and then.. register.
Four: You should also sign up for the new feedburner smartfeed because my low readership according to their stats is making me sad. :(
Five: My mom’s friend from second life just started a comic called Ginger Dead and it’s really morbidly cute. Love You To Pieces is going to be my new gravatar when they re-enable logins.
Six: I had a lot more things to say earlier, but now I’ sleepy and must pack. And for some reason, using hr makes my layout go wonky. WTF?
That phone is beautiful! :love:
You forgot to mention that the sidebar under Girl shows the last 10 songs you listened to :music:
Hey, you got your last 10 played in Winamp working :D Sweet. Your playlist looks very similair to mine actually.
Ooooh, a blackberry? I’ve got this default free phone from Cingular that does some amazing things like… well. Ok it has one amazing feature called “dialing”. :D
I switched over my RSS reader to your new FeedBurner feed, but I had a question for you…
What are the advantages of using FeedBurner? I know it’s pretty popular these days, but I can’t quite figure out what the service does from their website.
Mind filling a newbie in? ;)
Peej: Don’t be jealous ;p
Robbie: Yeah! I was looking at your playlist yesterday and thought “.. is he listening to Buzz Ballads?!” hehe. I have that album, I downloaded it for my mom and liked it more than I care to admit.
Jess: I switched to feedburner so that my RSS feed wouldn’t keep switching addresses when I change themes. And also, they do cool things like add email/technorati/etc links if you want, they can splice in your Flickr photos (my moblog feed has my flickr spliced in) among other cool features. Like tracking how many people read your feed :p
I am such a newb. I really don’t understand the whole feed thing aside from that it keeps up with the sites you like to read.
See, this is what happens when you play too many video games. You have a lvl 60 Miss Fancypants in Fantasyland, while the rest of the real world has blogs with nifty gadgets. :/ I’ll sign up for yours…and we’ll see if I can figure it out! :)
I’d make Yoshi teach me more stuff, but he’s busy leveling up his character in Fantasyland.
Oh, and way cool phone!
ROFL is that what he’s been up to? That’s why he’s not updating? That’s why he’s not commenting on my blog anymore? Pssssh. Whatever Yoshi :p
Do you have a program for reading feeds? I highly recommened either SmartReader or FeedReader…
Lenoir is my favorite character so far in GinderDead.
And come show me how to add a gravatar… :embarrass:
Katili is my new favorite reader of the GingerDead and Friends webcomic. Where’s my gravatar? :p
I bet he’ll be back soon. Like the rest of us, I think he has some form of ADD and he won’t stay in Fantasyland forever…which is why he has 2 lvl 60s to my 5, almost 6. Hard to believe I’m an adult isn’t it? lol :/