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Friday’s Feast – 117 – Week 12

Just cause it’s FFAF doesn’t mean I forgot the usual Friday meme

Appetizer: Create a new candle scent.
Ice Cold Pepsi

Soup: Name one way you show affection to others.
I like to bop people (and my puppy) on the nose

Salad: What is your favorite writing instrument?
Fine pointed RSVP pens.

Main Course: If you were given $25 to spend anywhere online, from which site would you buy?
Amazon. Or maybe e-bay.

Dessert: Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?
I’m gonna be a fairy, but not the cliché kind.. you’ll see

Friday’s Feast Participants

1. presentstorm
2. Caylynn
3. tiggerprr
4. Melli

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  1. Presentstorm
    Presentstorm Oct 27, 2006

    Hey we both had the same idea with the main course :) Amazon would be a good one too. I love to read. :coffee:

  2. Caylynn
    Caylynn Oct 27, 2006

    Nice feast. :)  I like your appetizer and main course and your dessert sounds cool – can’t wait to see the pictures! :cool:

    Have a good weekend. :)

  3. tiggerprr
    tiggerprr Oct 27, 2006

    Hmmmm a COKE (coca cola, that is hehe) scented candle might smell yummy! hehe not that icky ol’ Pepsi! :p

    Those RSVP pens do rock, but I like the medium pointed ones. I press down so hard when I write, I always smoosh the ball thing up into the pen somehow with the fine ones.

    Can’t wait to see your costume!

  4. Melli
    Melli Oct 27, 2006

    :sly:  Boppin’ huh?  Hmmmm…  :up:
    Can’t wait to see what kind of fairy you are!

  5. Katili
    Katili Oct 27, 2006

    Tiggerprr, I thought of you as I wrote the Pepsi thing! :p

  6. Jennie
    Jennie Oct 28, 2006

    Ice cold pepsi sounds very delicious right now.

    I know, I know, I’m a week behind…but I am too hungover to copy/paste right now :p

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