So. Hahaha. I have this $80 bookthat I’m supposed to buy for my HTML class and I was trying to avoid buying it cause I already know all the stuff we’re going over… but alas, all the assignments are straight out of the book so I need it. So I found a copy on EBAY for $20.. and I think, “SWEET!!!!!” so I click the BIN button. My book turns up today.. it’s 125 pages. MY book is… uhm, over 500? WTF?! So I click back to my auction.. yeah. It’s the brief version. It has the first 2 chapters. So it’s not even a useful cheap! OH. EM. GEE.
I mean, if it like, ONLY had the review instructions in it, it’d be perfect. That’d be a great definition of the word “Brief”. But the first 2 chapters?! WHO HAS ANY USE FOR THAT?!?!?!?!??!?!111
So the description in the auction is perfect, I just didn’t read that part. I can’t even be annoyed at the seller! THIS SUCKS.
lmao! $20 for a book where the first chapter probably shows a pic of a PC with the caption “This is a computer!” you’re right – the first chapters of an HTML book are pretty lame. you probably already know how to bold and underline text…lol
Come on, just spend the $80 the way you are supposed to. You KNOW that otherwise you would just spend the rest of it on the crack cocaine…
omg. why does everybody think i do drugs?! :(