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Friend Pimpage

I would like to point out my two friends who have finally both got their own domains. I’m glad to see that I’m contagious hee! Seriously, you guys don’t want to know how many domains I own. I need to go to Domain-a-holics Anonymous or something.


First up is my friend Sonia, who is the proud owner of I helped her think of that name Sonia was hosted on my domain for a long time.. she’s the only person I know that is more addicted to blogging than I am. Just wait until we start hanging out on a regular basis again… weird stories will be popping up like CRAZY, thanks to our buddy Karmimi. I might have to pull that entry from my LJ and post it here, its a good one

And then, there is Jules, who just got up and running. I’m so proud of her, she did the server transfer all on her own! Now if only she’d hold true to her “I swear I’m going to make a new layout” promise

Go check them out, shower them with love, etc etc etc. Besides getting them to get their own domains, I also got them both using ExpressionEngine, woooo!


  1. Mr. Fabulous
    Mr. Fabulous Sep 30, 2006

    I didn’t know you were so knowledgable about such things.

    I may have a question to email you… :smug:

  2. Katili
    Katili Sep 30, 2006

    Kay :) My email address is on the “girl” page.

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