Join me in Friday’s Feast!
Appetizer: Measured in minutes or hours, how much exercise have you had in the last week?
Ha haha hahahahaha I’m getting lazy and I’m gonna have to go with none other than my every day walking around and walking the puppy.
Soup: If you had to change your blog title to something else, what would it be?
Hrm. Uuuuuuuhhhhhm. What’s wrong with Kat Scratch Fever?! I guess it be “Can’t Find My Orbit” or something. Song lyrics. My theme song. Yep.
Salad: Name one television show you watched when you were 9-12 years old.
POWER RANGERS. Back in my day that show used to be cool. With Trini, she was awesome. Before that whole green ranger junk, it went downhill after that.
Main Course: If someone gave you $50 to spend with the one condition that it had to be educational, what would you purchase?
$50 doesn’t go far these days :( I’d use it to buy the stupid book I need for my class that I already know all the stuff for.
Dessert: Do you tend to prefer dark colors, neutral shades, or lighter/pastel hues?
Bright colors actually. Can’t you tell by my layout? Hehe
I like your layout colors…
Happy FF!
YOu are right..50 bucks doesnt go far
Great feast! LOL cute choice about the alternate blog name.
Nice feast. :) Love the bright colours of your blog. :) Have a great Friday! :)
I like Kat Scratch Fever. My doctor always wonders why I never get it. ;)
Great feast. Cheers!
Burp! I’m really full. That was a great feast.
Mine’s up. Come feast with me.
i’d say from around 9-12 I watched Three’s Company. I loved that show!
I would spend the $50 on a hooker. That could be an education…
I liked the green ranger. Who then became the white ranger. I believe on today’s current episodes of the power rangers he’s the black ranger.
I’m not exactly sure HOW he became to be this like uber-leader of the group, or how this guy has become a staple in power rangers history…. BUT HE HAS!
I caught an episode a few months back and was SHOCKED to see he was still on the show!
It’s not the Green Ranger himself that I don’t like persay, that’s just the point where I think the show stopped being good hehe.