21: I absolutely LOOOOVVVEEEE ( :love: ) the ocean. I go to the beach just to swim in it, cause I really hate sand. I practically grew up at Zuma Beach.
Please note: I’ve decided that I feel too much like this meme is spamming my blog. So I’ve decided that from now on, I will be posting 1 post every Saturday with 7 facts in it
Zuma Beach!! Yes I was there during my first trip to LA. It was the first time I saw an ocean and mountains together :) My two gay friends took me around it was fab!
I love the beach, the entire beach.
The sand, the sun, the ocean….
If it weren’t for the sun, I’d love the beach more. I love the ocean and I love the relaxing air around the ocean.
I can’t stand being hot, though, which is probably why I mostly go to the ocean by moonlight.