Ack. So I forgot to pay my registration last month for my car. Got a letter today.
$40 registration fee
$8 liscence fee
$35 late fee.
Just found out the smog test that I have to have done is gonna be fifty some odd dollars. GAH.
I swear if the car doesn’t pass I’m getting rid of it.
I thought there were state agencies where you could get the smog test done for a wait of about 8 hours? LOL
That sucks. Now I know why i left there. LOL
I found a place by my house that is only gonna take about 15 minutes. I have a coupon for 25% off, woo! :nervous:
that totally sucks. helluva lot of $$ just for the test. BUT…don’t you love how sweet the people who work at the DMV are? make it all worth it…hmmm?